February 9, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Standard Deck Tech – Grixis Tezzeret Frank finds a Grixis Tezzeret deck that’s had some success in Standard to see if it’s the real deal.
February 6, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Modern Monday – Transcendent Esper Esper Control has always been hit or miss in Modern, but a tweaked Narset Transcendent list looks to change all that.
January 31, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles A Clue Brew: Mechanized Production Frank takes a look at a potential U/W list that tries to exploit Mechanized production and clues!
January 30, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Modern Monday – Puresteel Combo Frank tries out the Puresteel Paladin combo deck dubbed Cheeri0s, complete with new cards like Sram, Senior Edificer.
January 27, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Videos Channel Lepore – Aether Revolt Draft #1 Join Frank as he pilots one of the sweetest Mono-Blue Draft decks he’s ever seen.
January 23, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Modern Monday – Bant Tallowisp Spirits! Spirits everywhere! Also auras. Join Frank as he tries to exploit the two in Modern.
January 22, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles Frank’s Top 8 Aether Revolt Cards Frank is back with his regularly scheduled list of his Top 8 favorite cards from Aether Revolt.
January 16, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Modern Monday – R/W 8 Whack While not often an aggressive player, Frank takes a look at a Modern deck that can deal a good amount of damage in a very short time.
January 13, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Standard Deck Tech – Sultai Delirium Frank tries another offering from his friend Case in the form of an interesting Sultai Control list.
January 12, 2017February 11, 2017Magic Videos Channel Lepore – Vintage Cube Draft #4 Frank Channels his inner green mage with this powerful Vintage Cube Draft.