The title says it all!
I’m heading to Grand Prix Albuquerque this weekend to compete in some Shadows Over Innistrad Sealed, and for this week’s Magic Minute (which can be found every Friday on I want you guys to “ask me anything.” Ask whatever questions you’ve always wanted answered in the comments – about me or Magic or anything – and I’ll pick some of the best ones to answer for this week’s Magic Minute! Of course all comments will initially be moderated, so keep that in mind before you post.
I look forward to hearing what’s on your minds and thanks for reading!
29 thoughts on “Frank Lepore AMA for The Magic Minute”
What was the first deck you played that you enjoyed playing?
What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
What is the card you think was the biggest mistake to print?
What was your favorite deck to play of all time? Or if you can’t choose one what were some of your favorite decks?
So Franklin, I once participated in an Oath Oath BFZ draft, in round 4 I mulliganed to six and was greeted with the hand of five islands and a Brood Monitor. I decided to keep and I crushed my opponent. Am I a good magic player?
Follow up question: Have you told Hunter that I told him hi?
Is it possible that Zada, Hedron Grinder could ever be a thing in standard.If so what would the deck look like?
I don’t think we’ve ever heard the story of how you started playing Magic. So…how did you?
Is Melissa jealous of your Bromance with Ali?
What is your favorite character in magic lore?
What one card would you love to
see modern legal (could be a banned card or from any set not currently legal)
Where did you get your start? Like what made you want to write and make streams? Also what happened with tcg?
What happened with tcgplayer?
In general what is your favorite thing about magic, and what do you think is the most important concept for the average player to grasp?
Why did you leave
Do you think that the constant analysis that many players spout during casual events, particularly trying to make points about which cards are playable, is too much? For people who find it obnoxious, is there something that can be done to ask them to tone it down politely?
What is the most underrated card in modern?
What is your favorite 5-color cycle of cards?
Do you feel like EDM will have any worthwhile reprints? What about EMA?
I apologize if this is too personal, but with Melissa having worked for WotC and knowing about the next 5 sets, how do you not keep from trying to pry info out of her at every turn?
How many pre-board and post-board games do you consider sufficient testing when trying to make a decision on a deck to play for a new format?
Are there any bad cards that you have a soft spot for?
What is your typical approach to deck building?
What structure gives you the most success?
– When did you fall in love with Sultai and why?
– Which sultai colours are the most important to you thematically, and gameplay wise.
What do you think is the best sword of the meek deck? (What colors)
Favorite MtG artwork/artist?
If you can ban or unban one card in every format, what would it be and why?
Hey Frank,
I’ve been trying to figure out the best place to produce written/audio/video magic content. Are there good websites to post content too if you’re trying to establish yourself as a content creator?
were all just super curious why you left tcgplayer which seemed ,to me anyway ,been done right after your sucess at the protour. were they related? what happened? i love all your conent and im not suggesting anythng, just really want to know. big fan.
What was your favorite or least favorite Modern Ban List Announcement and why?