December 8, 2016December 15, 2016Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Standard Deck Tech – U/R Control Frank tries out a control deck that sits on the fringe of Standard, with Eldrazi, ramp, and a ton of counterspells.
December 6, 2016December 7, 2016Magic Videos Channel Lepore – Kaladesh Draft #5 Join Frank as he embarks on his fifth Channel Fireball Kaladesh Draft!
December 5, 2016December 7, 2016Magic Videos Modern Monday – U/G Eldrazi Frank tries out a sweet, new U/G Eldrazi list this week as he decimates the provinces in Modern.
December 1, 2016December 2, 2016Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Standard Deck Tech – R/W Legends Vehicles and legends: two great tastes that taste great together, this week in Frank’s latest Deck Tech.
November 28, 2016December 1, 2016Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Modern Monday – R/G Warp World Frank is warping worlds this week on Modern Monday. Come see if the eight-mana, red sorcery has a place in Modern or if it’s simply too cute.
November 24, 2016December 1, 2016Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Standard Deck Tech – Mardu Gearhulks Frank packs all the Gearhulks he can fit into today’s decklist as he tries a pretty spicy reanimating brew in Standard.
November 21, 2016November 22, 2016Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Modern Monday – B/R Control Demigod of Revenge? In Modern? Sign Frank up as he tries a unique B/R Control list featuring the powerful spirit avatar.
November 19, 2016November 22, 2016Magic Videos Channel Lepore – Kaladesh Draft #4 Once more into the Kaladeshi breach, old friends, as Frank joins another Kaladesh Draft on Channel Fireball.
November 17, 2016November 22, 2016Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Standard Deck Tech – Sultai Midrange The Eldrazi are back…or had they never left at all? Frank tries out a successful Standard deck from the Pro Tour that got lost in the shuffle.
November 14, 2016November 15, 2016Magic Text Articles, Magic Videos Modern Monday – B/R Eldrazi Frank takes a look at another Eldrazi deck this week, this time of the black and red persuasion played by his Pro Tour Kaladesh teammate, Cody Lingelbach, at Grand Prix Dallas.