This week on Modern Monday we take a look at an interesting U/G Pili-Pala combo deck that hopes to generate infinite mana and kill with wither Blue Sun’s Zenith or Spawnsire of Ulamog!
Jon Finkel played the deck the deck at the Pro Tour and now we’re trying it out for ourselves! See how Seasons Past performs for me as I pilot the deck through some matches on Magic Online.
The list we’re trying out this week is an interesting Mono-Blue control list complete with cards like Guile and Confirm Suspicions. It was piloted by Magic Online user k_f_chicken to a 5-0 finish on Magic Online!
This week in the Magic Minute, Frank discusses his performance at Grand Prix Albuquerque, one of the greatest trolls of all time that he was subject to at the event, and a huge announcement in the wake of Pro Tour Shadows Over Innistrad!
Frank invites back his old pal The GItrog Monster, along with new friends like Mindwrack Demon and Traverse the Ulvenward, to try out a Sultai Control list straight out of this past weekend’s North Bay Face to Face Open.
Channel Lepore is live and its first addition is a Legacy Cube Draft! Come join us as we draft a sweet U/B Control list with some of our favorite cards.